
The West African Quality System Program (WAQSP) funded by the European Union and executed by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has made it possible to set up a database relating to the quality and industry in the ECOWAS zone.

Its design involved input from national focal points who supported data collection in countries. These will allow data to be updated online via the ECOQUIB application developed for this purpose.

Its management is entrusted to the ECOWAS Quality Agency (ECOWAQ) set up by regulation C / REG.13 / 06/17 of the Commission of the. ECOWAS.

This database is a summary of all the information generated by the different quality programs and an available, flexible and easy-to-use platform providing the information needed to improve quality inclusion in the sixteen (16) countries covered by the WAQSP program. In the long term, it should also serve as a one-stop-shop designed to provide reliable information and data on industrial activities in West Africa.

This database, in the long term, should also provide concrete answers to the many requests for statistical data relating to the two areas concerned.